We are influenced by many different ideas and approaches, below are some resources that we have found valuable in our thinking.
coming soon…
Consensus Decision Making
How the “N Street Consensus Method” Helps N Street Cohousing Thrive, Diana Leafe Christian
The Top 10 Most Common Mistakes In Consensus Process and What To Do Instead, Tree Bressen
Convergent Facilitation
coming soon…
Neon Introductory Guide: Power and Privilege, A handbook for political organisers
Everyday Feminism – Intersectional feminism for your everyday life
You are not a bad person: How facing privilege can be liberating, Miki Kashtan (article)
And other articles at thefearlessheart.org and facingprivilege.org
The Urgency of Intersectionality, Kimberle Crenshaw (TED talk)
What organisational culture best fosters diversity? Kaytee Ray-Reik (article)
Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria: and other conversations about race, Beverly Daniel Tatum (2017) (book)
Birth of a White Nation, Jacqueline Battalora (video)
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, Peggy McIntosh (article)
Uprooting Racism: How white people can work for racial justice, Paul Kivel (book)
paulkivel.com for lot of articles and other resources
Why I'm no longer talking to white people about race, Renni Eddo-Lodge (2017) (book)
White fragility: why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism, Robin DiAngelo (2018) (book) and this article
Becoming an Anti-Racist White Ally: How a White Affinity Group Can Help
Me and White Supremacy - The Workbook, Layla Saad
Class Matters: cross-class alliance building for middle class activists, Betsy Leondar-Wright (2005) (book)
Where We Stand: Class Matters, bell hooks (2000) (book)
Chavs: The demonization of the working class, Owen Jones (2012) (book)
Chav Solidarity, D. Hunter (2018) (book)
Surviving the side effects of the class struggle
Beautiful Trouble Toolbox: challenge patriarchy as you organize
Going to places that scare me: Personal reflections on challenging male supremacy, Chris Crass
Transwhat? A guide towards allyship
Doing Social Justice: 10 reasons to give up ableist language
Our free Living Systems online course
Introduction to systems
Navigate's System Development Handout - a handout that aims to briefly outline Living Systems and system development
Dominic Barter: Understanding Justice as a System - Dominic Barter talking about ways of perceiving and understanding social systems, in the context of systems for handling justice/conflict
How Wolves Change Rivers - A short video that tells a story of the relationships between different beings within an ecosystem and changes that emerge when wolves return to a place
Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System - An article by Donella Meadows in which she talks about the different points of intervening in a complex system to influence and change it (a bit more technical/in depth)
Dominic Barter: Mutual Aid Networks to Dialogical Systems - Long video (1 hour) talking about social systems in relationship to mutual aid networks and COVID-19
Spotify: Chalk Dust for Ninjas: Making Systems Visible - Interview between Alan Seid and Dominic Barter on systems
Purpose & Values
Reinventing Organisations: The role of culture & values - Some background information on how values are related to and lived by some ‘teal’ organisations.
Reinventing Organisations: The role of purpose - Some background information on how purpose is lived and related to within the ‘teal’ paradigm described in Reinventing Organisations
Frederic Laloux on purpose - A series of videos of Frederic Laloux (author of Reinventing Organisations) speaking about purpose - includes a video on how to determine purpose.
Navigate's "What to do if there’s no shared purpose?" flowchart - A flowchart of sorts with some options of what to do if a group has no shared purpose.
Systems and Power
Privilege and organisational culture - Frederic Laloux on how group culture is influenced by society and how this impacts how people show up.
Reinventing Organisations: Conflict resolution
Resource Flow
Compensation & Incentives - Reinventing Organisations Wiki detailing some approaches to distributing financial resources
Working Hours & Flexibility - Reinventing Organisations Wiki detailing some approaches to distributing time and capacity
Article about money piles / gift economy by Miki Kashtan
Article about gift economy by Miki Kashtan
This is an unfinished documentation of the Mutual Support Communities system - where resources are shared based on needs. Here’s a storyboard that summarises the idea.
Information Flow
Information Flow in ‘Teal’ Organisations - An introduction to information flow in ‘teal’ organisations and case studies / examples
Feedback & Performance Management in ‘Teal’ Organisations - An introduction to feedback in ‘teal’ organisations, and some case studies of how it’s done in some organisations.
Clear the air meeting (p165) - As developed by Georg Tarne. Outlines a process for engaging with tensions in a meeting set up for it.
Retromat - Stemming from agile, a collection of ways/methods of doing a retrospective (review) of what has happened and incorporating this feedback.
Sociocracy: Intentional Feedback - An article listing various forms of how feedback can show up in an organisation
A guide to feedback systems and giving and receiving feedback from an NVC based perspective - This guide is offered on a gift economy basis, meaning you are requested to consider giving some money to help sustain those who worked on it, but you don’t have to in order to download it.
A little blog about how to “not take things personally” in practice
A video about the interpersonal level of giving and receiving feedback - Paul’s 34 minute video on giving and receiving feedback.
Facilitating Group Learning: Strategies for Success with Diverse Adult Learners, George Lakey - brilliant book, based on many years of experience working with activists in a learning context
How to Run a Great Workshop: The Complete Guide to Designing and Running Brilliant Workshops and Meetings, Nikki Highmore Sims (book) - a useful guide to developing and running participatory workshops
Training for Dummies, Elaine Biech - good resource, lots of basic tips and techniques for facilitators
The Change Agency - lots of resources from an activist education organisation in Australia
Participatory Learning and Action: A Trainers Guide, Jules Pretty, Irene Guijt, John Thompson & Ian Scoones (book) - lots of ideas for participatory workshop games, tools and exercises
Resources on running workshops, Seeds for Change
Strategic Questioning, Manual Fran Peavey
Mycoted, a wiki with lots of creative thinking and planning tools
Ulex Project - resources on sustainable activism and info on their courses
In The Tiger’s Mouth: An Empowerment Guide For Social Action, Katrina Shields (book) - has good sections on preventing personal and organisational burnout
Sustainable Activism and Avoiding Burnout - leaflet from the sadly now closed Activist Trauma Support group
Plan to Thrive – Australian blog on health and wellbeing of people and groups working for social and ecological justice
Communities of Care and A Round-up and Re-frame of the Community Care Conversation, Yashna Padamsee
Trauma and radical mental health
Activist Trauma and Recovery: Activist Trauma Support
The Body keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, Bessel Van Der Kolk (book)
8 Practices For A More Emotionally Just Organization
Rest for Resistance – a mental health zine for trans and queer people of colour and other marginalised communities
Balance or Burnout, Sophy Banks and other articles at: transitionnetwork.org/do-transition/inner-transition/
Organising Cultures of Resilience: Activism in the Anthropocene, Kevin Buckland
coming soon…