Collaborative Decision Making

The quality of our decision making will be a significant factor in how successful we are in creating the world we want. In a world of multiplying crises and spiralling divergence, we facilitate decision making processes that bring people together and support ongoing and effective collaboration - even across big divides.
Our decision making facilitation is based on Convergent Facilitation, a process developed by Miki Kashtan. It is about getting to genuine agreement on how to move forward with any shared practical problem or disagreement. It's particularly transformative with highly polarized issues, helping people find ways forward that address what really matters to everyone involved, in an efficient way. CF has helped people in a range of contexts around the world reach creative solutions to complex challenges, where no-one loses or is left behind. The principles of CF can enhance any kind of group facilitation and collaboration.
Within groups, organisations, and movements there can be many challenges with decision making:
- A lot of emphasis on hearing from everyone and getting to a shared opinion, can mean decision making takes a long time, energy is lost, and there can be frustration at the pace of action.
- When those with more power dominate, the decisions may not be as strong as they would have been if other perspectives had been integrated, people might feel alienated and trust diminishes.
Get in touch for support with a decision making process.
Other links
- If you want to rethink your organisation’s way of making decisions ongoingly, check out the decision making section on our Living Systems Course
- We are wanting to support a total evolution in our societal decision making system. See our Radical Democracy page for more on this.