Radical Democracy

Decision Making
We want to support a total transformation in our society’s decision making system. We face unprecedented crises and are still relying on a broken system of party politics to make the key decisions for the future of this world.
We believe we need a new democracy that creates the structures and processes we need to make good decisions, integrating diverse perspectives and empowering everybody.
We think this is about both who makes decisions and how they are made. We are working on projects that seek to bring decision making power into the hands of communities, using processes that integrate what is important to everyone for win-win decisions, rather than voting or other systems where people win and lose.
What We Bring
We are experienced facilitators in decision making processes - especially where something is contentious.
We have experience facilitating Citizens Assemblies and Citizens Juries - including on transport and low-traffic neighbourhoods, climate change and rising sea levels, and environmental resilience.
We are also currently working on initiatives that move beyond the model of Assemblies making recommendations (that are too often ignored), and towards structures that distribute decision making power.